Investing in Minds Not Missiles – Reducing the Threat of Nuclear War
Saturday, April 7, 2018 – 10:00am34-101To read a full report of the day’s events, go here. Join us for an all-day conference on nuclear proliferation on Saturday, April 7 here at MIT. 9:30 am – Continuing Dangers from Nuclear Weapons: Prof. Aron Bernstein, Prof. Elaine Scarry, Stephanie Savell.10:45 am – International Initiatives Toward Disarmament: Joseph Gerson,…
The second annual Day of Action at MIT, a large-scale grass-roots civic engagement and action event, will be held on Tuesday, April 17, 2018. The Day of Action comprises community-contributed content including lectures, panels, film screenings, workshops, and more, devoted to the political, economic, and social challenges facing…
We are very proud to host the 12th Annual Youth Summit on Climate and Sustainablity on May 19. This decade+ relationship is a cornerstone of our spring semester and an exciting way to connect with the youth of Boston/Cambridge and the metropolitan area. REGISTER NOW The day includes a…
Long before fake news dominated headlines, Kevin Young was tracking down its roots. The author of 11 books and poetry collections, poetry editor for The New Yorker and director of the New York Public Library’s Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Young has spent the past six years tracing…
MIT is a neurologically diverse place, but the resources, workspaces and technologies we use often don’t reflect that. Sometimes simple changes can significantly expand accessibility to people who have neurological differences like autism, dyslexia, ADHD, or epilepsy, but designers and policymakers frequently aren’t aware of issues affecting this…