Humans Need Not Apply: Reflections on Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Work
Thursday, May 10, 2018 – 5:00pm32-123; Stata Center; 32 Vassar Street, CambridgeWatch the program here. Join us for a substantive and lively program on AI and the future of work. Moderating the program will be Professor Lucas Stanczyk of Harvard University. Professor Stanczyk works on topics at the intersection of political philosophy and political economy. His book manuscript develops a…
Hack Your Mind: The Big Disconnect: Protecting Childhood and Family Relationships in the Digital Age
Friday, November 16, 2018 – 12:00pm66-144Join us for our Hack Your Mind series with guest speaker clinical psychologist Catherine Steiner-Adair who will be speaking about the impact of technology on your relationships with the people you love the most. Dr. Steiner-Adair takes an in-depth look at how the Internet and the digital revolution are profoundly changing…
Bridging the US Political Divide Online: What We’ve Learned from Big Data, Bots and Volunteers to Challenge Polarization
Monday, March 5, 2018 – 5:00pm9-255Current political events in the USA reveal social cohesion is fragmented and increasingly polarized. This limits the opportunity and desire for people to engage across political lines. Well-established models of conflict escalation signal that these constitute warning flags for future violent confrontations. Social media is both a vehicle…
Investing in Minds Not Missiles – Reducing the Threat of Nuclear War
Saturday, April 7, 2018 – 10:00am34-101To read a full report of the day’s events, go here. Join us for an all-day conference on nuclear proliferation on Saturday, April 7 here at MIT. 9:30 am – Continuing Dangers from Nuclear Weapons: Prof. Aron Bernstein, Prof. Elaine Scarry, Stephanie Savell.10:45 am – International Initiatives Toward Disarmament: Joseph Gerson,…
The second annual Day of Action at MIT, a large-scale grass-roots civic engagement and action event, will be held on Tuesday, April 17, 2018. The Day of Action comprises community-contributed content including lectures, panels, film screenings, workshops, and more, devoted to the political, economic, and social challenges facing…