Archived Programs
Jeffrey Howe
Silicon Valley innovations have given rise to a class of tech titans wielding immense economic and political influence, and has paved the way for a cultural shift towards individualism with historically little regard for marginalized groups left in the wake.
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NEW DATE: How Does Mindfulness Meditation Change the Mind and Brain
Susan Gabrieli
Join us for the first program of the semester of our "Hack Your Mind" series with Dr. Susan Gabrieli. Gabrieli is a neuroscientist and Senior Research Scientist for the McGovern Institute for Brain Research. From Dr. Gabrieli:
Mindfulness meditation describes a set of mental... Read more
Power and Influence: Reflective Practice
Power and Influence: Reflective Practice, an interactive workshop for students engaged (or thinking about engaging) in development work, will consider how unbalanced power dynamics due to nationality, education, race, gender and income can sabotage the most well-intentioned project.... Read more
Join us for "Women Organizing", a series featuring five films that offer stories of women organizing for better job conditions and also, en route to that goal, for more parity in their personal lives. The series shows how those with the least power in a society can hold those... Read more
Why the Palestinian, Zionist and Algerian National Movements Competed and (Mostly) Won
Peter Krause
Listen to an audio recording of this program.
Peter Krause’s research and teaching focus on international security, Middle East politics, terrorism and political violence, and national movements
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