3rd Annual Thanksgiving Myth-Busting Dinner

Tuesday, November 26, 2024 – 6:00pm
W20 -Twenty Chimneys

Scalping people for cash rewards and land is a devastating idea and shocking practice, yet it is essential to how the United States became a nation, built on top of hundreds of Indigenous nations who thrived here for millennia before Europeans invaded these shores.

Join us for our 3rd Annual Thanksgiving Myth-Busting Dinner, which will focus on a screening and discussion of the Upstander Project’s 9-minute short film Bounty. This documentary reveals the hidden story of the Phips Proclamation, one of many scalp-bounty proclamations used to exterminate Native people in order to take their land in what is now New England. Bounty is a filmic testimony of the immeasurable resistance and survivance of Indigenous Peoples and offers a critical lesson in the history of the land we currently inhabit.

