About Radius

Nearly 60 years ago, Episcopal chaplain Mike Bloy and a group of MIT faculty and researchers embarked on the work that evolved into the Technology and Culture Forum, and, ultimately, into Radius. They challenged one another to explore the ethical and moral dimensions of science, technology and innovation. Although no longer an initiative of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachuestts, Radius is aligned to the Church’s mission of recognizing “….the dignity and inherent worth of every person, and we work to build communities where all people find fairness, compassion and the freedom to live fully.”

Radius partners with students, staff, faculty, and community members who desire to engage effectively in making the world a better place. Our programming sparks lively intellectual conversations, with the commitment go deeper than merely the exchange of ideas. We strive to inspire people to look at the world in a new way, to consider the deeper ethical implications of their actions, and take action to promote justice, dignity and peace.

A recent Radius program on Hope in the Dark