Why the Palestinian, Zionist and Algerian National Movements Competed and (Mostly) Won

Tuesday, October 17, 2017 – 4:30pm


  • Peter Krause
    Assistant Professor, Political Science, Boston College

Listen to an audio recording of this program.

Peter Krause’s research and teaching focus on international security, Middle East politics, terrorism and political violence, and national movements

Professor Krause has conducted extensive fieldwork throughout the Middle East. He currently teaches “International Relations of the Middle East,” “Terrorism, Insurgency, and Political Violence,” “Research Methods and National Movements,” and “Introduction to International Studies” at Boston College. He is a faculty associate in the International Studies Program and the Islamic Civilization and Societies Program at Boston College, as well as a research affiliate with the MIT Security Studies Program.

Krause was formerly a Research Fellow at the Crown Center for Middle East Studies of Brandeis University, as well as a Research Fellow at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs of the Harvard Kennedy School.

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