Smartphone Liberation!

Friday, February 10, 2017 – 12:00pm


  • Robert Plotkin
    ’93; Founder, Technology for Mindfulness

Registration is not required for this program.

Do you find yourself pulled to your smartphone right after you wake up in the morning?  Every time you have a spare moment during the day?  While you are eating a meal with a friend?  Before you go to bed?  Our devices can exert a strong pull over our minds and bodies, with impacts on our thoughts, habits, relationships, and even our health.

In this interactive session we will engage in exercises designed to help us become more mindful of how we interact with our smartphones, in order to enhance our ability to take control over how, when, where, why, and how we use technology – and to loosen its control over us.

Although most mindfulness training requires you to begin by turning off and putting away your smartphone, in this session we ask that you bring your smartphone with you so that you can engage with it directly and, we hope, a bit more mindfully by the end of the hour.

Robert Plotkin, ’93,  is a member of the Radius Steering Committee and founder of Techology for Mindfulness.

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