Reducing the Dangers of Nuclear War

Saturday, April 2, 2016 – 9:00am

Responding to the continuing risk of nuclear war or accident, this conference is intended to focus on reducing the risks of a nuclear event.  The conference will address the political and economic realities and will attempt to energize a local, social movement that will ultimately influence national policy.

Plenary session topics will include: The Dangers of Nuclear War; Destabilizing Factors; and Reducing the Dangers.

Workshop topics will include: engaging youth; creating connection between climate change activists and nuclear non-proliferation activists; hazards of the construction, maintenance, storage and decommissioning of nuclear weapons; reducing international tensions through negotiations and treaties; examining state and federal budgets, i.e. transit vs nuclear submarines; de-alerting; and divestment.

See a full schedule and list of speakers, and register for the conference and FREE lunch.

Co-sponsors include: MIT Global Zero, Mass Peace Action, the American Friends Service Committee and the Future of Life Institute.

Read a February 11th New York Times editorial authored by Alan Robock (with Owen Brian Toon) who will be one of the featured speakers of the conference.

Please note that MIT Building 34 is located at 50 Vassar Street near the intersection of Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge.

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