Back by popular demand! Our Hack Your Mind lunch sessions resume this fall! This monthly series provides insights about meditation–neurological, cognitive, physical–over lunch.
Come join us for a discussion of “mindful” technology on NOVEMBER 17 and how it can increase your focus. We would all like to stay more focused, alert and attentive throughout our busy days. Yet, we increasingly find that the daily demands of work and home–and the constant pull of our smartphones, social media, and the web–divide our attention into ever smaller pieces. However, technology can actually help us regain our focus and lengthen our attention spans. This interactive session demonstrated the latest apps that can help you be more focused, relaxed and present. Robert Plotkin, MIT alum, intellectual property attorney and Radius Steering Committee member, will lead the workshop.
Download an extended presentation on How to Improve Your Focus with Mindful Technology
Additional Program Date: Friday, December 11. TOPIC TBD
October 23 with Dr. Sat Bir Singh Khalsa
The Latest Research on Yoga for Stress, Performance Anxiety and Sleep: Yoga for a Modern Society
Listen to the October 23 session of Hack Your Mind with Sat Bir Singh Khalsa, Ph.D.
And download the presentation here.
Additional resouces from Sat Bir Singh Khalsa here. And here.
Sat Bir Singh Khalsa, Ph.D. has been conducting research on the effectiveness of yoga and meditation practices in improving physical and psychological health since 2001. He has practiced a yoga lifestyle since 1971 and is a certified instructor in Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan. He is currently the Director of Research for the Kundalini Research Institute, Research Director for the Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, Research Associate at the Benson Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine, and an Assistant Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women’s Hospital. He has conducted research evaluating yoga for insomnia, stress and anxiety disorders, and yoga within public schools. He works with the International Association of Yoga Therapists promoting research on yoga therapy, conducts the annual Symposium on Yoga Research and serves as editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Yoga Therapy. He is chief editor of an upcoming medical textbook The Principles and Practice of Yoga in Health Care. Since 2005 he has been teaching an elective course at Harvard Medical School in mind-body medicine.
September 22, 2015
Work Smarter, Stress Less, Be Mindful
How can mindfulness help us to “work smarter, not harder” while managing stress better? Learn to recognize the signs of overstress and develop mindfulness skills to find balance in a busy life. Practice techniques that can help enhance focus, efficiency, and relaxation. Led by Zan Barry.
Zan Barry is a Senior Program Manager in Community Wellness at MIT Medical. Her community health programs at MIT include mindfulness and stress reduction, sleep health, mindful eating, and healthy lifestyle coaching. She has a master’s degree in education and developmental psychology and is trained as a yoga and meditation teacher.
Hosted in partnership with Community Wellness at MIT.