Hack Your Mind: Eat. Learn. Meditate.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015 – 4:30pm

Google does it. HBO does it.  Apple does it.  Why don’t you do it?  This monthly series will share insights about meditation–neurological, cognitive, physical–over lunch and then we’ll spend a few minutes trying out a meditation. Our first meeting will be Wednesday, February 25 from 12noon-1:00pm.   Please join us!  RSVP <weinmann@mit.edu>

FEBRUARY 25: Room 66-168

Work Smarter, Stress Less, Be Mindful

How can mindfulness help us to “work smarter, not harder” while managing stress better? Learn to recognize the signs of overstress and develop mindfulness skills to find balance in a busy life. Practice techniques that can help enhance focus, efficiency, and relaxation. Led by Zan Barry.

Bio: Zan Barry is a Senior Program Manager in Community Wellness at MIT Medical.  Her community health programs at MIT include mindfulness and stress reduction, sleep health, mindful eating, and healthy lifestyle coaching. She has a master’s degree in education and developmental psychology and is trained as a yoga and meditation teacher

Hosted in partnership with Community Wellness at MIT.  

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