Fairness in Redistricting: What Is a Gerrymander Anyway? And How Can It Affect the Elections?

Wednesday, October 17, 2018 – 12:00pm


  • Moon Duchin
    Associate Professor, Math and Director of the Science, Technology and Society program,Tufts University

Gerrymandering is much in the news, with cases pinging around federal and state courts.  This summer, the Supreme Court once again punted, but they will keep being presented with cases until we get a more definitive response, and even a negative response will send the states scrambling for individual solutions. 

Right at the center of this debate is the question of how to identify a gerrymander using numerical and spatial indicators.  But one rarely hears much real attention paid to the deeper question of what representative fairness even means.  Professor Duchin will discuss ideas for keeping the quantitative analysis in touch with the essential questions about just political representation, within the vast data landscape of redistricting

This program is the second in a 5-part series on the 2018 elections. Coffee, tea and desserts will be provided.

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