The Enneagram: Nine Personality Types and Communication Styles (IAP Course for MIT Community)

TNE Certified Teacher
Tuesday, January 30, 2024 – 10:00am
Classroom 5-233

JAN 30, JAN 31, FEB 1

10am-12pm, Room 5-233

Instructor: Nicholas Collura, Director of the MIT Radius Program and TNE Certified Teacher 

What are the neurobiological foundations of human personality?

How do I communicate with family members, peers, and partners who seem so different from me?

And what about my own personality: Am I held captive by fear, shame, anger? Stuck in my head, in my feelings, in my need for control? 

This dynamic and entertaining three-part workshop will consider these questions through the lens of the Enneagram, an inventory of nine fundamental personality structures. Far from a horoscope, the Enneagram has found increasing empirical validation as the field of personality psychology has explored the neurochemical bases of personality. The Enneagram’s basic insight is that personality develops when we over-identify with our gifts to the point that they become limitations. Our time together will consider what this looks like for each of the nine personality types, while we also answer further questions about the nature and origins of human personality in general. This course will equip us with communication skills that will help us in our personal and professional lives. 
