Bridging the Bi-Partisan Divide: A Hands-On Workshop Towards Depolarization

Thursday, January 31, 2019 – 5:00pm

REGISTER TODAY HERE!  This SURVEY will help us as we finalize the program. Thank you!

Research and personal experience show that polarization is increasing in the United States. The great challenge is to encourage people to move from a passive, accepting mode – one that can escalate conflict – to a constructive, mediated dialogue model.

We think it requires a lot of people working within their communities to address this reality and work to strengthen connectors between and across communities.

This IAP we invite you to join us for a hands-on workshop on depolarization, where together we will learn and explore:
(1) How are our relationships and interactions changing in the current political environment, online and offline?
(2) Are Facebook and Twitter driving us further apart from those with whom we disagree? (includes short presentation)
(3) What language and actions can we use to create more civil and egalitarian conversations online and offline?

This is a three-part evening. You can join for all of it or choose the part to join.
5:00 – 6:30: Introduction & Training
6:30 – 7:00: Dinner
7:00 – 8:30: DIY OR Apply within your own work

Sponsored by Radius, the PKG CenterThe Commons. and The Move

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