Photos of the event!
On May 30, 2015, join us for the 9th Annual Youth Summit on Climate Change! The day will be filled with informative and fun workshops, lunch and prizes. Last year’s summit was amazing and this year’s promises to be even better!
The fabulous rapper, Tem Blessed, will kick off the day and get us started! We’ll hear from a few more cool folks and then get moving to the workshops!
Workshop topics include Divestment from Fossil Fuels, Sustainable Food and Martial Arts; Environmentally Responsible Spending, Oceans and Climate Change, Creating and Filming a Public Service Announcement, Futuristic Energy Solutions, Climate Change and Weather, The Carbon Tax, Launching A Sustainable Energy Education Drive Fundraiser, and The Wild Center’s Toolkit for Hosting a Youth Summit.
Presenters include: ACE (Alliance for Climate Education) Youth Fellows, Next Step Living SEED Campaign Youth Leaders, New England Aquarium Climate Teens, MIT and Harvard graduate students, The Wild Center Adirondack Youth, EarthFrendz, The Green Dragons, The Acton-Boxborough Energy Manager and more.
Exhibitors include Earthfrendz, Bikes Not Bombs, Project Green Schools, Sustainable Summer, The New England Aquarium, The Wild Center, Boston Public Schools Sustainability Program, ACE, Next Step Living, the Environmental League of Massachusetts, and Sustainable Summer.
Enjoy music, UV Necklace-Making, an event mural, the YouthCAN Photo Booth, Face Painting, Bike powered smoothies, and more. The day concludes with a raffle for great door prizes.
REMEMBER TO BRING YOUR OWN WATER BOTTLE!! We’re making this as low-waste as possible!
Hosted by Radius and organized by the Boston Latin School’s Youth Climate Action Network (BLSYouthCAN). This program is being generously supported, in part, by Next Step Living, a ground breaking company on a mission to make it easy, affordable and rewarding to implement energy-saving solutions. Recognized by the New Enlgand Clean Energy Council as an employer of the year, Next Step Living has more than 800 employees in Massachusetts, Connecticut and New York.