On May 14, we hosted the 10th Annual Youth Summit on Climate Change! The day was filled with informative and fun workshops, lunch and prizes. Amazing!
Summit Schedule:
9:00 – 10:00 Registration/Check In
10:00 – 11:00 Welcome, Keynote Speaker
11:00 – 12:00 Workshops
12:00 – 1:30 Lunch/Exhibitors/Activities
1:30 – 2:45 Next Steps & Door Prizes!
Workshops include:
- Climate & Public Health: The Zombies Are Coming
- Climate Change & Animal Conservation: One Future for All Living Things
- Strengthening Local Food Systems
- Film A Climate Change Public Service Announcement
- Hand On Conservation Service
- Tackling Climate Change Through Social Entrepreneurship & Responsible Consumerism
- Oceans and Climate Change
- You’d Get Your Butt in the Field if You Knew What Was Good for You!!
- Climate Reality, Solutions & A Plan for Action
- How Fossil Fuel Divestment is Re-framing the Narrative of Climate Change
- Climate & Social Justice
Co-sponsored with Boston Latin School’s Youth Climate Action Network (BLSYouthCAN).
Let the young people in your life know about the summit! Help us spread the word about the Summit by sharing the event on Facebook and inviting your friends.