Small Risk, Catastrophic Consequence: The Challenge of Nuclear Terrorism
Wednesday, November 20, 2013 – 8:00pmMaclaurin BuildingsWatch this program. Listen to Jim Walsh on NPR’s “Here and Now”. Follow Jim Walsh on Twitter. Co-sponsored with MIT Global Zero.
Iran and American Foreign Policy: Where the US Went Wrong
Tuesday, May 14, 2013 – 7:00pmBuilding 26Watch this program Flynt Leverett served at the National Security Council, State Department, and CIA and is currently a professor of international affairs at Penn State. Hillary Mann Leverett served at the National Security Council and State Department and negotiated for the US government with Iranian officials. She…
LISTEN The Syrian uprising broke out more than two months into the Arab Spring and took everyone by surprise. For a number of reasons, the prospect of an uprising taking place in Syria at this point was deemed to be low, but the resilience and bravery of the…
The Cold War Hangover: Nuclear Risks and Political Realities in the 21st Century
Thursday, February 20, 2014 – 4:00pmMaclaurin BuildingsSponsored by MIT’s Laboratory for Nuclear Science and Global Zero.
The environmental damage being done to the earth has reached crisis proportions. Many causes have been proposed: too many people; industrial society; human ignorance or inability to control themselves; human nature (greed); and a “perpetual growth philosophy.” Discussion will be focused on how the inner logic and normal…