Reducing the Threat of Nuclear War: Rebuilding a Broader Movement
REGISTER HERE. With Congress appropriating funds for new and upgraded nuclear weapons and delivery systems, the need to counter these misguided policies has become acute. The 2022 Conference will…
Wait….What? How Much? US Military Spending and National Priorities
WATCH THE VIDEO HERE. PDF of SLIDES HERE. PDF of Additional Resouces HERE. In 2019, the US allocated $732 Billion dollars for military spending. The next “Top Ten” ((China,…
Reducing the Threat of Nuclear War: Invest in Minds not Missiles
2021 National Conference “Reducing the Threat of Nuclear War: Invest in Minds not Missiles” Though the Coronavirus has devastated the economy, it has not had any braking effect on…
The Social and Economic Cost of Endless Wars
Join us for a half-day conference examining the cost of US wars and conflicts and exploring ways in which these funds can be used to create a more sustainable,…