Why Nuclear Weapons Still Matter: Conventional War and Nuclear Escalation
Co-sponsored with MIT Global Zero Refreshments will be served!
Film Screening: Countdown to Zero
Countdown to Zero is directed by Lucy Walker and produced by the Academy Award winning producers of An Inconvenient Truth, Lawrence Bender and Participant Media.The film is a fascinating…
Persia: The Pertinent History of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Read a recent interview with Professor Tirman about US-Iran misperceptions. Click here for a timeline of Iran’s nuclear program.
Small Risk, Catastrophic Consequence: The Challenge of Nuclear Terrorism
Watch this program. Listen to Jim Walsh on NPR’s “Here and Now”. Follow Jim Walsh on Twitter. Co-sponsored with MIT Global Zero.
The Cold War Hangover: Nuclear Risks and Political Realities in the 21st Century
Sponsored by MIT’s Laboratory for Nuclear Science and Global Zero.
The Nuclear Agreement with Iran and Its Ramifications for the Regional Politics of the Middle East
After receiving his Ph. D. from Yale University in 1968, Ali Banuazizi taught at Yale and the University of Southern California before joining the Boston College Faculty in 1971.…
Persia: The Pertinent History of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Read a recent interview with Professor Tirman about US-Iran misperceptions. Click here for a timeline of Iran’s nuclear program.