Investing in Minds, Not Missiles
Here are some sobering statistics: Nine countries possess nuclear weapons today, including: (1) Russia with approximately 7,500; (2) the United States with approximately 7,200; (3) France with fewer than…
Diving Into the Last Two Weeks of IAP
We’re now past the mid-point of January and IAP. The hallways are becoming busier and there is a decidedly more energetic atmosphere around the campus. There have been many…
Nuclear News
On Sunday, the New York Times featured a distressing front page story about North Korea’s nuclear activities and the changing landscape of how neighboring countries are reviewing their own nuclear capabilities. Countries,…
Reducing the Risk of a Nuclear Catastrophe
This Saturday, Radius will be co-hosting an all-day conference focusing on reducing the risks of a nuclear event. Did you know that…. The conference on Saturday will address these…
A week ago, MIT hosted a Day of Action when the MIT community and our neighbors came together to learn, collaborate, and explore avenues of action. According to the…
MIT Day of Action
There are strong stirrings on campus; people leaving their labs and engaging in the wider world and taking a stance–students, faculty and staff. Spurred by concerns about the environment, the…
Two Days to Go
As the inauguration draws ever closer, tweets and comments loom larger and larger. Today’s post was adapted from an op-ed piece written by MIT Professor Emeritus Aron Bernstein and…
Looking Ahead
Much planning and programming is underway with an eye to spring semester 2017. Plans include two co-sponsored events with the Communications Forum: Race and the Elections (February) and gender inequality in…