The Way In Is the Way Out
This coming Tuesday, as part of our Hack Your Mind series, we are hosting a screening of a powerful documentary called The Way Out. The film, with commentary by the Zen…
The Half-Way Point
Embarking on spring break allows us some slight breathing room to assess how the semester is going, as well as allowing us to continue planning for our up-coming programs.…
Amazing plants
I just finished Richard Powers’ novel The Overstory, which tells multiple intersecting stories of people and their relationship with trees. We meet a biologist, an artist, a day laborer…
The View from In Here
MIT student Katie O’Nell knew she shouldn’t let herself become attached to the mice in her research project for Brain and Cognitive Sciences. But she couldn’t help it. One…
A seat for everyone
I have a child who craves sensation and fidgets a lot in class. We are lucky enough to be in a school with an occupational therapist, who gave us…
The limits of empathy
When I went to see Karim Ben Khelifa’s virtual reality installation The Enemy at the MIT Museum, the first question in my mind was: How is this going to make me feel?…
What We Remember
This Memorial Day, I sat and listened to a reflection on what it means to be remember our war dead today, when our nation seems to be constantly at…
The Pre-Traumatic Stress of Climate Change
Should we put in a fence? One day this Spring I looked out at my backyard and saw a security risk instead of a green space for relaxation. I’m a…