Looking Ahead
Much planning and programming is underway with an eye to spring semester 2017. Plans include two co-sponsored events with the Communications Forum: Race and the Elections (February) and gender inequality in…
Collective Action
Climate Change: Ethics in Action, the large forum that Radius co-hosted on November 17th, has provided a robust launch for further action at MIT. We’ve received many emails following…
Ethics in Action
This Thursday at 5:15, we have a great opportunity to show that the MIT community cares deeply about the ethics of climate change. This is a chance to dive…
Social Innovation and Ethical Reflection
Radius (and the Technology and Culture Forum) has a long tradition of partnering with a wide array of departments and programs here at MIT. These partnerships have enriched our…
Cut Through the Noise
Scandals, large and small, and devisive rhetoric have dominated the presidential election. Cogent and thoughtful discussion on critical issues has been swept to the side. To get beyond the…
Hack Your Mind is Back!
Greetings! My name is Paul McAlister and I am a 3rd year divinity student at the Episcopal Divinity School in Harvard Square. As an intern for Radius and the Episcopal…
The Return to Morality
On Thursday, Radius Goes to the Theater to see Jamie Pachino’s The Return to Morality. The play tells the tale of a down and out writer, Arthur Kellogg, who…
Happy New Year!
I love this time of year! A new academic year is beginning and with that comes the wonderful sense of new beginnings, possibility and adventure, accompanied by the normal…