Looking Forward and Reflecting Back
As we return to campus following the Thanksgiving break, we here at Radius are grateful to have been able to catch our collective breath before heading into the last…
Hope endures
I was recently sitting in a class where we spent some time considering how images of the Apocalypse show up in political speeches on topics ranging from climate change…
Digital Divides
I have low-tech kids. Now in early adolescence, they still play outdoors and hang out with real-life friends. They read a lot. They don’t have their own phones, and…
Tech Is Broken. How Do We Fix It?
This Wednesday, we have the pleasure of hosting Moria Weigel and Ben Tarnoff, two prominent tech journalists and authors. Both Moira and Ben have written extensively about the tech…
How Do We Engage in Civil Conversations in An Age of Polarization?
This Wednesday, we will host our 4th (in a series of 5) program focusing on the November elections. Derek Black with join us as we grapple with issues of…
The Thin Veneer of Civilization
On Tuesday, September 25, former General Michael Hayden spoke to a packed audience in 10-250; an event entitled “Assault on Intelligence: American National Security in An Age of Lies” which…
A seat for everyone
I have a child who craves sensation and fidgets a lot in class. We are lucky enough to be in a school with an occupational therapist, who gave us…