Reclaim Yourself!

MIT Professor Sherry Turkle has written a book that is garnering much publicity.  “Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk in a Digital Age”, examines our relationship with technology and our devices.  She reports that there is increased discomfort in being by ourselves, without distraction, and a reluctance to engage in meaningful, non-interrupted conversation.   These two phenomena are related–one can’t give fully to a conversation, with empathy and patience–with all its potential messiness–without spending time alone with our own messiness.  

She writes, “One start toward reclaiming conversation is to reclaim solitude.  Some of the crucial conversations you will ever have will be with yourself.  Slow down sufficiently to make this possible. And make a practice of doing one thing at a time.  Think of uni-tasking as the next big thing. In every domain of life, it will increase performance and decrease stress.”

This fall, Radius is offering two programs: Work on Purpose and Hack Your MindWork on Purpose is designed to create the space and time to consider the questions: What is meaningful work?  and How do I forge a life where work and passion are integrated?  Hack Your Mind offers a monthly workshop on mindfulness and how to incorporate it into your life. Because the response last year was so positive, we knew we had to offer these programs again. I know that I have gained insights and perspectives that otherwise I may have missed. Take some time and join us.  

Reclaim yourself! 

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“Think of uni-tasking as the next big thing. In every domain of life, it will increase performance and decrease stress.”

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