Paris Climate Talks: Now What?

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Patricia-Maria Weinmann
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It’s been nearly two months since the COP 21 negotiations in Paris concluded. Opinions of the effectiveness of the talks vary–some hailing it as a bold move toward public problem solving to others calling it a fraud. In January, Christiana Figueres, the UN climate change official who guided the negotiations for six years, sounded guardedly optimistic, saying that the agreement kindled “a huge flame of hope.” 

On Thursday at 4:30 in 4-270, we will co-host, with MIT’s Center for International Studies, a discussion that will focus on the agreements made in Paris and what will likely follow. Our panel comprises experts who will walk us through the how’s and why’s–both environmentally and economically–of the negotiations and what the future may hold.

It will take more than hope to mitigate the effects of climate change and to begin solving long-term issues of economic disparty, growth and energy use. It is incumbant on us to understand and grapple with the facts and decide how we can be part of not only a “flame of hope”, but a force for positive change. Please join us.

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