As we return to campus following the Thanksgiving break, we here at Radius are grateful to have been able to catch our collective breath before heading into the last of the semester. As we enjoyed a few days to reflect and express gratitude for all we have and for the people in our lives, that circle includes the amazing array or speakers we’ve hosted this semester. In particular, the speakers for our series on the 2018 Elections provided invaluable insights into the election. Our guests took time out from their extremely busy lives to come to MIT and share their expertise and knowledge. Our topics included voting machine security, gerrymandering, women’s role in the election (both as voters and candidates), creating civil conversations in a divisive political climate, and the power of tech workers in changing the political landscape. Please go to our Archived Programs page to read more about these programs and find resources linked to those events.
We are also grateful for our enriching partnerships this semester–with the MIT Communications Forum, Science for the People, the MIT Museum, the Center for International Studies and the PKG Center. We so value these relationships and are thanful to all who make up this part of our circle.
As we look to December, we have two very important forums planned. On December 6, we will host a panel discussion on MIT’s relationship with the Saudi monarchy in partnership with the MIT Faculty Newsletter. This is an extremely complex and complicated (not to mention fraught) issue and we invite the MIT community to join us in this difficult and challenging conversation. On December 11, we will co-sponsor a discussion of the intersection of the #MeToo movement and worker power hosted with the Tech Workers Coalition. Please check our program page soon for updated information.
Thank you for being part of the Radius community.