Much planning and programming is underway with an eye to spring semester 2017.
Plans include two co-sponsored events with the Communications Forum: Race and the Elections (February) and gender inequality in the sciences (March). We will be also be co-sponsoring an all-day conference on the federal military budget with Mass Peace Action in early April. Also on the docket is another “Radius Goes to the Theater”, a wonderful partnership with Central Square Theater. We offer free tickets to students to a show (this spring either “Paradise” or “Homebody”–please check the CST’s website for more information) and host a talk-back after the show moderated by an MIT guest.
With our partners in the Philosophy Department, led by Sally Haslanger, we will again co-host our undergrad ethics seminar, Being, Thinking, Doing (Or Not!): Ethics and Your Life. The class takes place on Tuesday evenings from 7:30-9:00pm. We’re thrilled to have Alex Prescott-Couch, an MIT Philosophy post-doc, joining us for the seminar this year.
We will also continue our exploration of technology and its effect on us all with our Hack Your Mind series. Sherry Turkle has agreed to speak this spring on technology and human connectedness (or lack thereof). Additional speakers to be announced. Our close work with FossilFreeMIT will continue, as will our work with a group of undergraduates concerned about nuclear proliferation. Additionally, our long partnership with the Bustani Middle East Seminar convened by Phil Khoury will continue.
Our country faces many challenges and we will need to connect and work in ways more robust than ever before. Robert V Taylor, a journalist and author of A New Way to Be Human, and a friend of ours who has spoken here at MIT a number of times, put it well in his New Year’s Eve post:
May we be the ones who claim our voice, heart and acts to create a world that is more just, loving, peaceful and kind.