Diving Into the Last Two Weeks of IAP

We’re now past the mid-point of January and IAP. The hallways are becoming busier and there is a decidedly more energetic atmosphere around the campus. There have been many provocative, fun, and fascinating programs and events during IAP. This week is no different. Topics are as rich and varied as one would expect at MIT: Waste Management, The Pleasure of Poetry, Contemporary Mlitary Topics, film series, Beekeeping 101, Defense and the Military-Industrial Complex and National Priorities (taught by our good friend, Subrata Ghoshroy) to name just a few.

On the topic of priorities, there will be two afternoon-long conferences this week, both giving consideration to priorities. We are proud to be co-sponsoring a half-day conference on Friday, January 26 in 4-163 from 1pm-5pm: Impacts of the Federal Budget: A Closer Look for Massachusetts Residents and Institutions. Starting off the afternoon, we will look at the key features of the 2018 federal budget including comments by Professor Maria Zuber, MIT Vice President for Research. Additional panels will dicuss impacts on housing and health care, education and research, and transit, energy and the environment. Capping off the afternoon will be a workshop on response and action.

Earlier in the week, the Economics department is sponsoring a symposium: The State of the Union: Social Policy, Financial Regulation, and Populism in the Trump Era. Panels will include Social Policy: Taxation, Health Care and Social Security;  Financial (De) Regulation; and Populism on the Rise: Causes and Consequences. This, too, will prove to be a substantive and informative afternoon. The symposium will take place on Wednesday, January 24 from 12:50-6:30pm in 26-100. 

If you’re just arriving back on campus, welcome back. Hope to see you this week!

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