Cut Through the Noise

Scandals, large and small, and devisive rhetoric have dominated the presidential election. Cogent and thoughtful discussion on critical issues has been swept to the side. To get beyond the noise of Twitter and “fast food” media, we invite you to attend a number of events on campus focusing on the election and the election process, and to take time to read perspectives offered by twelve professors and researchers from the School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (HASS).

On October 25 at 7pm in 6-120, Radius will be hosting Nuclear Weapons, the Environment and the US Presidential Election, featuring Professors Kerry Emanuel and R. Scott Kemp, with nuclear security expert Jim Walsh. On November 1 at 4:30pm in 2-190, the Economics Department is hosting Harvard Professor and Nobel Prize recipient Eric Maskin who will speak about different electoral rules and how to improve the democratic process of presidential elections. Following Professor Maskin’s talk, you can walk over to the Stata Center to 32-123  at 5:30pm and attend Whose Vote Matters?a discussion of race, election access, and voting rights with MIT’s Charles Stewart III and Ariel White and UNC Chapel Hill’s Rahsaan Maxwell, sponsored by HASS, the Political Science Department and the Boston Review.

If health care is a top concern, please read Professor Andrea Campbell’s interview as part of a series sponsored by HASS called Election Insights 2016: Research-Based Perspectives from MITTopics ranging from economic security to criminal justice to sexism and gender bias to the economic fallout from climate change will offer perspectives that will inform and enlighten.

Here at MIT, we are surrounded by thoughtful experts who can help us cut through the noise. We invite you to join us!

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