On April 28, Professor Emeritus Noam Chomsky spoke at a Radius event, Science at MIT: From the Cold War to the Climate Crisis. Concluding his remarks, Professsor Chomsky ended by commenting on MIT’s possible divestiture from fossil fuels. A panel discussion sponsored by Fossil Free MIT on fossil fuel divestment had been held earlier in the month in Kresge Auditorium with hundreds of people in attendance.
At the event, counter-arguments on divestment were stated: It would be costly; and if “we don’t invest in fossil fuels, someone else will.” Here was Professor Chomsky’s response to the two counter-arguments:
“These arguments are accurate but, the problem is: They are irrelevant.
If MIT, as an institution, tells the world, “We’re not going to stop the race to the precipice because it might cost us” then what are we telling people? We’re telling them, “Don’t bother.” Because we don’t care. We’re not going to accept any cost to us so why should you?”
“If MIT doesn’t invest, somebody else will. Which is perfectly true and totally irrelevant. The purpose of divestment is not to injure Exxon Mobil–they’re not going to care. It’s symbolic. It’s educational. It’s telling the world that this Institute–which does have a reputation and should live up to it as a center of science, understanding, moral integrity– we are telling the world: Look: You better pay attention to this!”
“It’s very significant and important.”
In May 2014, President Reif launched the MIT Climate Change Conversation which was a year-long, campus-wide discussion on what actions MIT could take against climate change. The Climate Change committee concluded their report, “Perils ahead dwarf risks to the Institute in navigating this politically charged issue, such that even exceptional measures should not be eschewed.”
Today, the MIT Climate Countdown begins. This is a chance to collaborate, organize and mobilize. There will be a week-long series of events, culminating with a rally on Saturday, October 2 from 12noon-2pm on Kresge Oval. The rally will coincide with the MIT Corporation’s Annual Board Meeting when the board will consider MIT’s participation in solving the most urgent crisis facing the planet: Not just by divesting from fossil fuels, but by implementing an intensive, comprehensive plan to combat climate change.
By participating in the Climate Countdown, you can send a signal to the MIT Corporation, loud and clear: That the time has come for MIT to take a powerful stance and begin to lead the way.