Our Hack Your Mind series kicks off the academic year with a talk by Professor Peter Grossenbacher, Mindfulness and Diversity Awareness: Working Interpersonally and Building Community.
Come and explore the ways that mindfulness practice can help us communicate respectfully across our difference. Combining lecture, experiential activity, and discussion, Peter Grossenbacher will offer a mindfulness-based approach to cultivating awareness and inclusive community. Interpersonal mindfulness practice invites noticing one’s own experience as it happens, expressing this experience to others, and in turn, learning of other people’s direct experience. Engaging this practice fosters a personally meaningful and socially shared sense of present-moment awareness.
Peter Grossenbacher, Professor and Chair, Contemplative Psychology Department at Naropa University, graduated from U.C. Berkeley in mathematics and cognitive science. He received his doctorate at the University of Oregon in experimental psychology focusing on human electrophysiology and attention. His book, Finding Consciousness in the Brain: A Neurocognitive Approach, offers insights into the brain’s involvement in conscious experience. After researching multisensory attention and synesthesia at the University of Cambridge and the National Institute of Mental Health, he joined the faculty at Naropa University in 2000. A meditator since 1980, Peter’s research focuses on mindful cognition, meditative development, and contemplative teaching. He trains educational professionals across a variety of settings in mindfulness-based pedagogies that support awareness, facilitate inclusion, and foster community.
The Hack Your Mind series is hosted by Radius in partnership with Community Wellness at MIT.