Decision-Making from the Soul – Session 2

decision making bundle
Monday, October 24, 2016 – 7:00pm
Flowers Dining Room; Maseeh Hall

Join us for two amazing dinner workshops for MIT students that will provide an opportunity for you to work on a personal decision in a creative and confidential environment. You’ll learn to optimize your decision around an expansive experience of yourself: listening to the wisdom of your intuition, intellect, body, and emotions. You’ll have the time to creatively explore a current question in your life. For example, “Am I in the right major?”; “Which summer job would be the most fulfilling?”; “How can I improve my living situation?”; “How might I design my life so I’m healthier?”. Your question can involve any aspect of your life. Attending both sessions is recommended but certainly not requisite. Full descriptions of the workshops are below. Dinner provided!


Sarah Moore, JD, MTS will be our facilitator. Sarah received her B.A., summa cum laude, from UCLA, her Juris Doctor from Harvard Law School, and her Master of Theological Studies from Harvard Divinity School. She has also studied community-organizing and leadership with Marshall Ganz at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government in order to learn how to catalyze a social movement of improved decision-making.

Decision-Making from the Soul: An Experiential Workshop in Ethical Decision-Making –

Session 1 Listing

Monday, October 17, 2016 – 7-9pm

Session 1 is NOT a prerequisite for Session 2. You can participate in both sessions or just one.

Session 2 – Monday October 24, 2016 – 7-9pm

Session 2 is an opportunity for you to creatively explore a broad question in your life. For example, “Am I in the right major?”; “Which summer job would be the most fulfilling?”; “How can I improve my living situation?”; “How might I design my life so I’m healthier?”. Your question can involve any aspect of your life.

In this workshop, you’ll learn how to draw your “inner landscape” around your question: meaning, you’ll be guided to lay out factors you’re considering (for example: money, time, geographic locations, individuals involved, work places, etc.), as well as any intuitions, thoughts, physical sensations, or emotions you may have around these factors. No artistic ability is required! You’ll be invited to share your work with one other person, and you’re welcome to choose that person in advance.

This workshop is for you if:

  • You’d like to gain a better sense of direction in a certain area of your life
  • You have thoughts, questions and concerns swirling in your mind around an aspect of your life, and you’d like to clear your head and energy by getting these on to paper and mapping a healthy way forward
  • You want to cultivate some creative next steps in line with a broader vision for your life
  • You’re committed to something greater than yourself (e.g., your family, the environment, advancing your field, social justice, a higher power), and you want to make sure your general direction stays aligned with your commitment and allows you and others to thrive

From Sarah:

I remember the elevator doors opening to my law firm when I was 28: there was no “heartfire” in the place … certainly my own heart was barely flickering. I had no hobbies. I worked night and day, yet wasn’t sure I was creating anything of lasting value. Then I learned a decision-making practice that reignited my life! I began teaching this practice, which I call “Decision-Making from the Soul,” while a student at Harvard Divinity School in 2004 and have continued to develop and refine it ever since.

I welcome you to this revolution, and I look forward to learning with you!

You can find out more at I can be reached at

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