Organizing for power and development: The Maasai Stoves and Solar Project

Tuesday, June 23, 2015 – 7:00pm


  • Robert Lange
    Professor, Brandeis University; founder of the International Collaborative

What is culture and what is poverty? 

What is to go, what is to stay, when organizing for power and development?

What are possible and desirable roles for outside agencies and individuals?

What are the problems raised by donor ideology in development work?

You are cordially invited to a talk by Bob Lange as he discusses these pressing questions related to international development, focusing on his many years of work in East Africa with the International Collaborative.  Bob taught Physics at Brandeis, was an active member of Science for the People and extensively involved in its “Science for Nicaragua” Project.   He has been involved with work in Africa since 1986.

For more information about the project, visit the International Collaborative.

Sponsored by Science for the People, MIT Chapter.

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