Finding Your Way

“Where does this bus go?” I heard a woman ask from the seat behind me on the Silver Line. Her neighbor, a young man with a skateboard tucked under his arm, explained that we were headed from the airport to South Station. The woman had flown into Boston to meet her husband at Mass General Hospital for an important medical appointment, and had already been re-routed through a different city when her original flight was canceled. She was keeping her cool, but clearly the Boston transit system added too many complications at the end of a long day.

As we got off in South Station, the young man called to her and pointed to the Alewife entrance to the Red Line after she started to turn the wrong way towards Braintree. He stood near her seat on the next train, counting down the stops to MGH on his fingers and motioning her off the subway car at the right time. As our train moved off over the Charles River towards MIT, I could see him on the platform, pointing the way to the hospital entrance. I’m pretty sure he didn’t start the ride planning to go to MGH that day.

Inbound or outbound? Red line or Green? This stop or the next? A single trip on the T is full of small decision points that together can quickly become overwhelming. When I look back on college and my twenties, I remember feeling sometimes like I was stuck in the transit system of a strange city and I couldn’t find the map. Study abroad or stay home? This major or that one? Where should I go to grad school? What kind of job did I want? What did I want in a relationship?

I made my way because I had good people in my life, people who were willing to go out of their own way to help me find my path. That’s why I’m excited to bring Sarah Moore to MIT. Sarah is a skilled facilitator who dedicates her time to helping people learn how to make decisions in a holistic way. In her Decision Making From the Soul workshops on Monday, October 17 and Monday, October 24, she’ll help you listen to your own inner guides so that the next train you get on will be the right one for you.


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